Connecting Community in the Age of Social Media & Isolation
An Independent Bookstore is a beacon for the community; where we plan programs and events to bring the community together and represent the surrounding demographic. But in a world that exemplifies big business and promotes tech, a bookstore struggles to meet the demands that the societal mindset asks of it. This grant will help monetarily support current programs and events that have been built to bring together community and offer a space for all to learn, to be themselves, to create & to discuss.

What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?
Social support networks
In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?
Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)
What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?
In an age of social media and an escalating sense of isolation there is not enough opportunity to enhance the sense of community, but that is what a bookstore is for. We have curated a space to browse, to talk, to create art, to write, to hang out and read - it is a place to congregate with people you know and a fun place to meet new people.
We realize and see that more and more kids are not reading their grade level. They are more fixated on their phones and ipads; there is more anxiety in youth, less space for belonging & more polarized individualist viewpoints (ie: banning of books to limit perspective & compassion for those different than the norm). Adults, of all ages, are lonelier & have a hard time coming to events because it feels "overwhelming". We are tackling these issues by offering programs and events that show people this is a space for them, they have community here at the bookstore through their own curiosity & love of books.
Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.
Our outreach facilitates achieving inclusivity within the Los Angeles County market. The bookstore has built solid programming for the community such as children’s story times, author events, fundraisers for non-profits, providing books for school curriculum and school libraries etc. We have reached the point where we would like to provide and extend our current curriculum and events within the store. This requires additional funding. Our goals continue to be to teach and to educate. We would focus on the competencies of respect, empathy, and acceptance of our differences. We would expand on previous programs that have included Indigenous People Month, Pride Month, Asian & Pacific Islanders Month, Black History Month etc.
The additional funding would allow us to expand our marketing, update our on-line and social media presence to create awareness within the community of what we can provide. Our ultimate goal is to be a known meeting place in the community. A place for people to gather and exchange ideas. To curate and promote literary curiosity. A place to learn and grow. Additionally it would allow us to bring our programs outside the store and into the community. This would include schools, libraries and community events.
Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.
If our work is successful then we will have created a reader. "A reader, no matter their family circumstance, parent’s educational background, or income is an individual who reads for fun. Reading for fun is the single biggest predictor of a child’s future success”. (Source: Circana, LLC - Ci2024, The National Assessment of Educational Progress 2023, WorldBookDay.com, Nielsen BookData “understanding the Children’s Book Consumer 2023)
Moreover, if we are successful in the adult programming and events, it will create a sense of belonging and togetherness. We have seen this in play in just the short while of creating the Local Artist Program & Indie/Author Program. Having created a space to showcase their work, we've seen friendships blossom & a sense of true camaraderie form. Outside of the store environment, they are going to coffee & having lunch and inside the bookstore, people are having conversations about books and art that bring them joy.
What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?
Like most business' in the book industry there was a decline in attendance to programs and events because of Covid & this has yet to rebound. Essentially, it created a situation of rebuilding throughout the entire industry (incl. Publishing).
We will use attendance as a gauge if we are garnering more support for our programs & events. Additionally, repeat attendees along with exponential growth of attendees will measure the level of engagement we have achieved.
Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?
Direct Impact: 400.0
Indirect Impact: 1,000.0