2023 Grants Challenge

STEM Together = Family Design Challenge

Tinker the Robot's STEM Together = Family Design Challenge is a program where families explore STEM careers by unleashing their inner engineer and embarking on an exhilarating design challenge adventure of creativity and ingenuity at their local Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL). As families complete the design challenge, they take advantage of each other's critical thinking skills, learning and growing together.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

K-12 STEAM Education

In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

City of Los Angeles

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

The STEM Together = Family Design Challenge program recognizes the importance of involving caregivers while addressing the three key aspects of accessibility: resources, geography, and cost. By delivering the program at the local Los Angeles Public Library, we create an inclusive environment for families to access STEM resources and engage in intergenerational learning. Libraries help overcome geographical or transportation barriers and are strategically located, making in-person programs convenient and easy to attend. Finally, by providing the program free of charge, we are ensuring equal access to quality STEM opportunities. Through this program, we empower families to explore STEM, foster problem-solving skills, and ignite a lifelong passion for learning and pursuing STEM careers.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

Program Development: The team will work with Librarians to develop a comprehensive curriculum with hands-on STEM challenges and at-home resources. Design Challenges: Families will participate in design challenges at their local libraries, where they will work together to solve real-world STEM problems encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork. Outreach and Recruitment: By collaborating with LAPL to promote the program, we can reach diverse audiences and ensure equitable access. Program Delivery: The program will be delivered at 36 LAPL branches. Trained facilitators (industry professionals and librarians) will guide families through the program. Resources and Support: Caregivers will receive resources, such as digital materials, project ideas, and additional supplies, to continue exploring STEM at home. Evaluation and Impact Assessment: Throughout the grant period, the team will collect data, feedback, and testimonials from participating families. Culminating Event: A culminating event will be organized to celebrate the achievements of the families providing an opportunity to share their projects and experiences. The grant will support the planning, implementation, and evaluation of these activities over the course of the grant period. By providing resources, guidance, and engaging experiences, the program will empower families to explore STEM together, fostering a love for learning and opening doors to exciting STEM career pathways.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

The successful implementation of the STEM Together = Family Design Challenge Program in Los Angeles County would increase STEM awareness, expand STEM access, and promote diversity in STEM fields. The STEM Together = Family Design Challenge Program enriches the lives of its participants by igniting a passion for STEM, fostering deeper connections within families, unlocking educational opportunities, nurturing problem-solving abilities, promoting inclusivity and diversity, fostering supportive collaborations within the community, and inspiring a sense of belonging and purpose in the broader STEM landscape. Overall, the successful implementation of the intergenerational STEM program in Los Angeles County would lead to a more informed, engaged, and diverse STEM community. It would empower families to pursue STEM education and careers, fostering a future generation equipped with the skills and passion to address complex societal challenges and drive innovation within the region.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

The impact of the program can be measured through various quantitative and qualitative methods: Participant surveys to gauge changes in STEM awareness and interest Assessments of problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities before and after the program Tracking the number of families who continue to engage in STEM activities post-program Gathering testimonials and anecdotes highlighting the program's influence on intergenerational relationships and career aspirations Tracking the representation of program participants in STEM fields and educational pathways Evaluating the program's reach, scalability, and sustainability would provide insights into its long-term impact on the community. By employing a comprehensive range of measurement methods, we can effectively assess the program's impact on STEM awareness, intergenerational relationships, skill development, career pathways, and community engagement, ultimately ensuring the continuous improvement and success of the program.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 540

Indirect Impact: 60,000