LA2050 is giving away $1M to improve LA, but first, we need to know what issues you care about most.
2023 Grants Challenge

Social-Emotional Learning and Growth Through Play

We are seeking to increase play opportunities for our students in Historic Filipino Town. Our student's mental health and social skills have been affected by the pandemic and lack of accessibility to collaborative and competitive play opportunities. With this grant, we seek to enhance our existing social-emotional learning (SEL) opportunities via increased opportunities for play to help students develop important life and leadership skills.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Play Equity to Advance Mental Health (sponsored by the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation)

In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

Central LA

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Our students are currently growing in their ability to connect with others, collaborate with their peers, engage in conflict resolution, and develop their self-esteem. As a school, we focus on SEL as a core subject because we understand the importance of mental health in feeling successful and like part of a larger community while still having a sense of self. Currently, we have seen a dip in our student growth for a number of reasons. Our 3rd and 4th grade classes were deeply affected by the pandemic and did not have the opportunity to develop their social skills during key times of their schooling experience. We also recently renovated our playground and this meant that for the first 3 months of school, our students had indoor recess. This limited their interactions with grade level peers and their ability to develop social-emotional skills. We currently have ideas for how we can accelerate our SEL through play but we need funding in order to best serve our students.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

This grant will help us accelerate SEL through play in a variety of ways. First off, we'd like to hire a certified PE instructor. Currently, each grade level has 1 - 2 "Go Time" blocks where students engage in outdoor play. Go Time is led by our Teacher Associates under the supervision of our Director of SEL. They incorporate Playworks into the Go Time structure in order to make sure that students are learning games and usually debrief the game afterward to discuss what made the class feel successful, how they were able to work collaboratively, how they can play competitively but still be inclusive, and how we can make games more fun. While this structure has had positive effects, 2 - 3 adults to supervise 70 - 90 students is hard to manage. Hiring a certified PE coach would help us make our program more effective and bring in the expertise needed to make sure students are getting the most out of Go Time. A PE coach would also free up our Director of SEL to focus more on our Active Citizens. Our Active Citizens are 4th and 5th grade students who demonstrate leadership skills. Being able to support these students further would help create a system where students mentor their younger peers and model the skills needed to have successful relationships with those around them. It would also give younger students a role model to look up to and connect with. A portion of funds would also be allocated towards play materials for students to have access to different games.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

The success of our work would help make LA County a better place for families and students. Our students would feel more in tune with themselves and their impact on others which would lead to a stronger school community. Students who are able to engage in healthy play and develop connections with each other, have higher academic results and more importantly, a good grasp on their mental health. This effect would be felt by our caregiver community and our students as they learn the SEL skills meant to help them become successful adults. As CWC only goes through 8th grade, the various secondary schools throughout LA County would benefit from our alumni as they serve as role models and leaders within their next school communities and, ideally, continue to live our our mission as true citizens of the world.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Our current survey data provides us with annual insight into students' sense of belonging. Moving forward, we would like students to take a more specific survey in the beginning of the year to gauge how they are entering the school year and what social emotional skills they feel they have or need. A survey at the end of the year would help us measure what students have learned, what they have benefited from, and what we need to change or reassess. We will also measure our success based on the number of student counseling referrals, suspensions, and interventions we have to put in place in comparison to previous years. We will know that we've been successful when our BIPOC students and students who qualify for free and reduced lunch respond that they feel like they belong in the school community and that they have the skills they need to have healthy relationships. Observationally, our school culture would also reflect that students feel a sense of pride in themselves and their peers.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 16

Indirect Impact: 500