2023 Grants Challenge

Shutter Stars

This grant will support a program that aims to provide pathways to employment in the creative economy for underrepresented youth in Los Angeles, ages 6 to 24, who are interested in pursuing a career in photography. The program will use methods such as internships and apprenticeships, diversity and inclusion initiatives, mentorship programs, and scholarships and grants to provide hands-on training, networking opportunities, and financial support.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Access to Creative Industry Employment (sponsored by the Snap Foundation)

In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

City of Los Angeles

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Pilot or new project, program, or initiative

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

There are a variety of issues that can be addressed through a program that provides pathways to employment in the creative economy for underrepresented youth in Los Angeles interested in pursuing a career in photography. Here are a few: unemployment rates for youth in Los Angeles are notoriously high, particularly for those who come from low-income backgrounds or are members of underrepresented communities. By providing youth with access to training and employment opportunities in photography, this program can help bridge the gap between education and employment and provide young people with a path to financial stability. Also, many youth from underrepresented communities may not have access to role models or mentors who can guide them through the process of pursuing a career in photography. By providing mentorship and role models, this program can help youth build their confidence, gain valuable skills, and stay motivated throughout their career journey.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

By providing comprehensive training, mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities, underrepresented youth in Los Angeles will have access to the creative economy and pursue careers in photography that they might not have had otherwise. The program will not only help bridge the gap between education and employment but also serve as a form of community building and engagement that encourages young people to explore their creativity and represent unique narratives. This grant will support the development and implementation of this program, which will be designed to break down barriers and provide underrepresented youth with a path to success in the creative economy.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

If the program supported by this grant is successful, Los Angeles County will be different in several meaningful ways. These include: Increased Diversity and Representation, Reduced Unemployment Rates among Youth, Empowering Youth through Skill Development, Strengthened Community Successful graduates from the program will add to the industry's talent pool, helping grow Los Angeles as a leader within the creative economy. They will also create work that highlights and examines underrepresented issues, telling stories and presenting the world through a different perspective. These outcomes represent a positive shift in the social, cultural, and economic landscape of Los Angeles County, resulting in a community that is more diverse, creative, and inclusive.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Here are some ways we will define and measure success: Attendance and Engagement, Will track attendance and participant engagement This data will help assess the effectiveness of the curriculum and ensure that individual needs are met. Progress and Skills Development, this information will help us identify program strengths and weaknesses, and adapt the program accordingly Feedback from Participants, The program will regularly solicit feedback from participants, his feedback will be used for program improvements and to understand underlying challenges for underrepresented youth in pursuing a career in photography. Impact on the Community: This will be measured by community feedback, quality of stories produced and published, improve growth of local small businesses in the creative economy, increase in local workforce representation, and others. With these measures of success in place, the program will continuously improve, create a positive and lasting impact on the community

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 20

Indirect Impact: 50