First Annual Ethiopian Cultural Day Festival
The grant will allow us to host an Ethiopian day cultural festival at an outdoor park in the City of Los Angeles to showcase Ethiopian history, culture, art, cuisine, dance, and music. The funds will pay for talent, main stage, sound system, tents, insurance, permits, and security. This celebration will offer visitors to our city an opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique celebration and provide an economic boost to the local businesses. At the same time access to county social services and health will be promoted.

What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?
Green Space, Park Access, and Trees
In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?
City of Los Angeles
In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?
Pilot or new project, program, or initiative
What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?
This project will seek to promote social justice and bring together a diverse group of people to spend a day outdoors in peace and harmony. The events of the past three years have awakened much of our country to how much change is necessary to take real strides toward racial equality and justice. Research shows that celebrations and festivals affect people in a positive way, making people feel physically and mentally better. After the trials of Covid and rising inflation the festival will be a welcome respite. The festival will create a safe and nurturing atmosphere to allow participants to be fully seen and respected.
Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.
The festival will allow attendees to immerse themselves in Ethiopian history, culture, art, dance, and music. It will feature learning activities, resource tables, and will have food for purchase. The highlight will be the stream of cultural dancers and musicians on the main stage. It will be a chance to celebrate together and experience part of someone's heritage, while at the same time promoting intercultural exchange and understanding. This cultural celebration will also provide our children with an understanding of their heritage which is especially important as it can help to build a solid foundation shaping their beliefs and values. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn about mental health resources available in a safe environment. Health fair screenings will be available for our underrepresented groups and educational resources will be made available. Our pro bono immigration lawyers will be on hand to disseminate timely resources. All our partner nonprofits groups will be invited to participate.
Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.
Through our collective effort we plan to offer our communities valuable opportunities for recreation and entertainment, through authentic leisure activities and unique cultural experiences. Festivals celebrate creative expression and play a major role in sustaining cultural production. All involved in creative productions will have a venue for creative business opportunities. The festival will be advertised in the Mayor's annual tourism event handbook. It will build a sense of community as we continue to hold it annually. We foresee great economic impact due to higher public expenditures and employment opportunities. Each year we anticipate scaling it up by increasing the number of attendees and by bringing in diverse art forms and talent. The festival will have a great social impact component since it will provide opportunities for social interaction, building social capital, reconfirming identities, and supporting local cultural expressions.
What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?
This will be a pilot effort. We have prepared for success by getting mentoring for sponsor acquisition through the Sponsorship Collective and by networking with various nonprofit groups. We will consider the festival a success when it registers economic growth in our community residents, and we will analyze the social and cultural impacts through scales which we will get developed by professional research marketers. Success will also be measured by deepening community engagement which will be measured by a 50% increase in our web traffic, Our goal to attract two major corporate sponsors and two more new nonprofit partners is another way we will measure success.
Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?
Direct Impact: 2,000
Indirect Impact: 5,000