2023 Grants Challenge

Energy Battle Royal Classroom Challenge

Global Inheritance's Energy Battle Royal Classroom Challenge is a unique opportunity for K-12 students to shape the future of Los Angeles County through a hands-on and creative competition that inspires students to be renewable energy advocates and experts. We're calling upon our students and teachers of every background and knowledge level to flex their creative muscles and develop a project that harnesses renewable energy to power an everyday item in their school.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

K-12 STEAM Education

In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?


In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

As the planet faces the severe consequences of climate change, like rising sea levels, extreme weather, and catastrophic damage to natural habitats - it's becoming increasingly important to commit to Los Angeles' promise of 100% renewable energy. To achieve this, the participation and commitment of our students are necessary. But rapid-changing developments in renewable energy pose a challenge for educators to create a curriculum that is both up-to-date and engaging. Educational content needs to be hands-on, creative, innovative, and memorable so that students are excited about the opportunity to contribute to the progress of renewable energy. Renewable energy education needs to elevate our students from all backgrounds and bring them into the conversation, equip them with knowledge, provide a space to listen to all ideas, and develop them into advocates committed to renewable energy - ensuring a 100% renewable Los Angeles and an inhabitable planet in the decades to come.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

The Energy Battle Royal Classroom Challenge builds upon Global Inheritance's innovative renewable energy programming designed to introduce students to clean energy in a uniquely creative experience. School Outreach We will utilize our LAUSD and SCAQMD contacts to promote the challenge to school administrators and science teachers. This outreach will take the form of captivating videos produced by Global Inheritance and featuring professional actors as renewable energy characters. The energy characters will call out to schools and invite them to accept the challenge. Our outreach presents the students as the innovators we need to win the fight against climate change and create a world with zero emissions. Project Creation Students will register online as an individual or as part of a team or classroom. The guidelines are simple: develop a project that harnesses clean energy to power an everyday item in the school. Participants will submit their projects online and our team of renewable energy experts will evaluate each project based on its creativity, innovation, and storytelling. Awards Ceremony Global Inheritance will select the top three projects as winners and donate a Tour de Energy Bike (which converts kinetic energy into electricity) to the school associated with each selected project. All participants in the challenge will be honored and projects will be made available to the public on the campaign's website and social media as inspiration for future students.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

Short term Success in the first year means we conducted outreach across the entire Los Angeles Unified School District, set up a database of innovative renewable energy projects created by students, and established a community of students and schools connected through renewable energy solutions and empowered as valued members equipped to contribute to Los Angeles' sustainable future. Long term The Energy Battle Royal Classroom Challenge will set Los Angeles apart as a leader in reaching zero emissions through its burgeoning community of young people who view themselves as capable leaders committed to a future where Los Angeles relies on renewables. The challenge will also influence far more than just the student population. Students will begin to advocate for renewable energy in their communities and at home, which will be uniquely effective at influencing every generation of Angelenos to see the benefits of converting to clean energy.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

We will define and measure success based on the following: The number of students, teams, and schools who participate in the challenge (To be used as an effective statistic to gauge the number of students interested in renewable energy in Los Angeles County). The quality of projects submitted. Selected participants' projects will be shared to set apart Los Angeles as a leading county in renewable energy innovation. The implementation of a survey to evaluate the extent to which each participating student views their ability to contribute to a more sustainable future through renewable energy before and after the challenge. The measurement of traffic to the database of final projects after it is shared with the broader community. The database will directly measure the challenge's effectiveness as a resource that inspires involvement with renewable energy education. The level of engagement with the outreach videos after they are distributed and shared on social media.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 100,000

Indirect Impact: 1,000,000

Describe the role of collaborating organizations on this project.

We will work with our partners at the Los Angeles Unified School District and the South Coast Air Quality Management District to identify the schools we'll call out in our Energy Battle Royal Classroom Challenge Videos. Our partners will also support us by connecting us with teachers and administrators who will advocate for the challenge in their schools and distribute the database of completed projects to serve as a parent and teacher resource after The Energy Battle Royal Classroom Challenge is over.