Building Community One Stitch at a Time
We offer a FREE, safe, creative, intergenerational space to learn the art of quilt-making! Quilts are "gifted" to individuals and organizations throughout the Valley and beyond!
What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?
Access to Creative Industry Employment (sponsored by the Snap Foundation)
In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?
San Fernando Valley
In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?
Expand existing project, program, or initiative
What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?
At a difficult time in her life, someone offered to teach Lizz Leral how to quilt. At only 64, her father's health was in decline after a stroke, which was also taking a toll on her mother. She knew she had to do something to relieve the pain and pressure of grief. She took up the quilter's offer. Lizz's mind would calm with the detailed work. Deciding colors and designs became cathartic. She envisioned Q4C, a workshop space where people of all ages, and cultures could learn together and experience the art of quilting free-of-charge, as she had. Lizz believed with this opportunity, others would find relief from their heartaches as well. Q4C is in an area of Los Angeles with very few art centers, especially those providing textile arts experiences. Q4C provides the space, equipment, tools, and supplies needed; the cost of these can be a real deterrent to anyone interested in learning. We donate quilts to organizations that help people moving into transitional and permanent housing.
Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.
Our first mission is to build community by teaching the art of quilting. The Q4C Design Center is the hub and creative core of all our community work. In Free Quilting Classes Q4C provides the space, equipment, tools, and supplies needed; the cost of these can be a real deterrent to anyone interested in learning. Quilts produced are donated to local organizations for people who need care and support. All quilt fabrics are donated. Thread and quilt batting are purchased.Our fabric inventory represents tens of thousands of dollars if purchased at retail. We sell fabric at deeply discounted prices. Long Arm Quilting Machine - Free Quilting students receive instruction & learn to use this machine. Quilters may rent time to use it for their own projects. Textile Arts Classes - Shibori, Block Printing, and other subjects. Gives new instructors opportunity to hone their skills, to develop a personal income stream. We provide a venue for independent teachers to conduct courses & earn income. All classes offer arts instruction and skills building. The Q4C Design Center has become a safe, supportive, collaborative place to learn and enjoy companionship with others. Providing quilts to those in need of comfort and care has always been core to our mission, and we have sought out the local organizations who engage individuals who fit this description. Q4C identifies organizations to receive quilts through personal connections, recommendations, and online research.
Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.
Our focus is on sustaining our work, continuing to donate quilts to organizations like Hope the Mission, SFV Rescue Mission, So Cal Hospice Foundation, and animal shelters. Our goal is to establish paid positions within a year, starting with the Executive Director. We recently expanded, adding a Long Arm classroom, more sewing stations, and fabric inventory. Long-term visions include more classroom spaces, additional cutting tables, gallery and exhibition space. Q4C is in an area of the City and County of Los Angeles that has very few art centers, especially those providing textile arts experiences. Our success means that people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds will have a Design Center where they can joyfully learn the art of quilting, guided by expert volunteers and artists. As we grow, we are seeking to add a wider variety of class topics we will offer. Our success makes Los Angeles County more creative, where people are less lonely and are connected with the wider community.
What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?
We have moved and expanded several times since our founding in 2018. In our most recent expansion we added a dedicated room for the Long Arm Quilting Machine. We can accommodate more participants working on different projects at the same time. We have increased the number of quilting participants, volunteers, and donated quilts every year. Some of our early quilting students have progressed to being key volunteers and independent paid instructors for Q4C and other venues. The number of quilting participants has grown steadily: 185 in 2019; 99 in 2020; 426 & 475 in 2021 & 2022; increased to 500 for January through May of 2023. We have positive feedback that our quilts give joy and comfort to the individuals who receive them. To date, we've given 1200 quilts to Hope the Mission, So Cal Hospice Foundation, Northridge Hospital, SFV Rescue Mission, and So Cal animal shelters. We will establish our first paid staff positions. Success will be defined by accomplishing this.
Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?
Direct Impact: 1,000
Indirect Impact: 300