2022 Grants Challenge


Idea by AWOKE

The GR818ERS x UNITE is a cultural placekeeping project driven by local youth, creatives and cultural ambassadors. Housed within the UNITE Cultural Center, The GR818ERS x UNITE serves as a physical and virtual hub for participants to grow as leaders and skilled practitioners through peer mentorship, field training, and cross-cultural experiences. The project consists of a creative workforce internship program, artistic and athletic programs, digital content creation, and community activations including mural projects and cultural arts events.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Access to Creative Industry Employment (sponsored by Snap Foundation)

In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

San Fernando Valley

County of Los Angeles

City of Los Angeles

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Structural poverty and generational trauma plague working-class communities in the San Fernando Valley. An LA Times article identified a San Fernando Valley elementary school as “the L.A. Unified campus that has more students classified as homeless than any other,” while another highlighted that local residents “breathe some of California’s worst air and suffer from asthma-related hospitalizations at rates far higher than most of the state.” The historical underinvestment in these neighborhoods has cultivated a culture of nihilism in local youth that increases at-risk behaviors and creates barriers to social mobility. Further, these communities are also disproportionally impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has worsened existing social inequities and led to a drastic increase in disconnected youth regionally. The Advancement Project reported that in LA County 1 in 5 Latinx youth and 1 in 4 Black youth between 16-24 dropped out of school and did not have a job.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

The GR818ERS x UNITE curates a supportive social ecosystem that fosters positive youth development and community safety through the advancement of peace and positive human relations. The project activates the UNITE Cultural Center through culturally-responsive activities including workshops, after-school programs, an internship program, drop-in activities, and digital engagement. Activities are facilitated by seasoned staff and guest practitioners with several years of experience in their craft. Staff utilize empowerment-based approaches to mobilize the arts and athletics to curate transformative spaces that foster identity work and address trauma. Staff also serve as mentors to participants in the internship program, which is focused on developing the next generation creative workforce. Based on their interests and experience, interns are placed in the Media & Marketing or Events & Sponsorships tracks. Interns work with staff to help support daily functions from content creation and social media management to event planning and program coordination. Furthermore, through these mentorships, youth are exposed to unique vantage points through which they are empowered to develop their creative identity and embrace a lifelong pursuit of knowledge. As youth grapple with communities re-open, engagement in creative and cultural exchanges reduces the feelings of apathy and discontent that are heightened due to the prolonged conditions of social isolation throughout the pandemic.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

The GR818ERS x UNITE is rooted on the premise that developing a social ecosystem for youth—one that extends to the home—contributes to reductions of at-risk behaviors and leads to positive health outcomes. AWOKE’s approach to youth development is based on a cradle-to-career framework that prioritizes wellbeing throughout the arc of human development. Activities are designed to develop youth resilience, social cohesion, and community wellbeing to ensure youth can healthily navigate their community and the growing demands of adulthood. Recognizing that youth may not have a safe or productive living environment, the UNITE Cultural Center serves as a drop-in center to a significant number of first- and second-generation students and newcomers to the community. By intentionally fostering inclusive spaces, The GR818ERS x UNITE aims to leverage activities to connect local and international communities to build racial solidarity, promote cultural exchange, and nurture global citizenship.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Project impact and efficacy is evaluated through staff and participant feedback collected through surveys and in-person/video interviews. Staff also coordinate listening sessions for youth and community members to share their experiences, recommend improvements, and express concerns. These listening sessions provide crucial insight for staff to assess social impact and influence program design. Furthermore, AWOKE is working with Dr. Allen Lipscomb (PsyD/MSW/LCSW) of Cal State University, Northridge to develop an improved evaluation tool and methodology grounded in anti-racist principles and practices. Previous participants have gone on to become full-time creatives, including one of our first students Miles Brown–known for his star role in the primetime TV show “Black-ish”. Recently, two former interns transitioned to staff positions, one of which had started off as a participant in The GR818ERS Dance Club program. Two other interns have launched their careers as freelance artists.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 1,000

Indirect Impact: 10,000