Salon Magic Uprising, where people come together and create magic for each other. We are providing a service with a passion for success in entrepreneurship for trade students. This 3-fold magic salon project provides a solution for young entrepreneurs, homeless, and returning citizens after being incarcerated. We believe when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you do good. Salon Magic serves as a solution between trade schools, women's homeless organizations, and employment services. We hold the secret sauce. Magic 3 fold.

What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?
BIPOC- and Women-Owned Businesses
In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?
Central LA
East LA
San Gabriel Valley
San Fernando Valley
South LA
West LA
County of Los Angeles
City of Los Angeles
LAUSD (select only if you have a district-wide partnership or project)
In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?
Expand existing project, program, or initiative
What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?
We know that women had the biggest loss of employment during the pandemic and found they were resourceful in creating. We still need to bridge and address the issue of women who graduate from college and are not putting that degree to work because they don't know where to start. We see still the biggest gap is women entrepreneurs and the homeless are almost one and the same. The concept and mission of Salon Magic is to help individual's dream and achieve those visions by boosting their self-esteem and personal/professional growth. We know living on the streets can change the mentality of a person state and bring moral and personal development to a all time low. We found that just talking about finance without solutions for real life is a misconception of a solution. We introduce the Salon Magic as a opportunity to establish relationships and receive services through partnerships. Grooming is a big part of all the above components, can make someone look better, feel better, do better
Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.
What is Salon Magic? • A concept designed to help the most vulnerable population achieve personal growth, confidence, self-respect, focus, drive, and the mind to achieve their dream. Addressing the feel good and look good do good concept. Let's face it anyone living on the streets and not able to receive services geared towards self-sufficiency. Our facility looks and feels different allowing resources to be provided to clients without barriers. They are able to speak and meet clients when they are feeling their best relaxed an opportunity based on the way they look and feel the Salon Magic with the secret sauce. • We change the behavior by focusing and being specific to change the outcomes. • Developed personal grooming techniques designed specifically for them. A day of services providing solutions setting goals and expectations for accomplishments. Connecting dots for clients as they navigate decisions that will change their lives and provide real-life opportunities. the second fold is assisting students with real experience while in school to build practices. By creating these pockets of Salon Magic we can help people overcome barriers of feeling less than who they are and bring down some walls of pride while meeting them where they are and connecting them with community partners.
Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.
Creating an entirely new way, we help folks get the personal hygiene and care they deserve. • Utilizing Community Partners to support wrap-around services, crossing out barriers, and replacing them with optimism and support. • Delivering a model that brings out the best of 3 worlds. • Placing students in an entrepreneur mindset while servicing the most vulnerable population. Creating a mindset among both populations of financial sustainability and financial stewardship. This will lead to more young people learning how to grow their business and save for retirement and for those who struggled with homelessness or incarceration to revamp their lives and develop a mindset of achievement, success, courage, strength, and most of all a voice that they can dream it and achieve it! This is not a one-time service but a continuation of services once they become independent and employed. The goal is to have established a relationship of support. It's their Journey!
What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?
The impact will be measured by the term of the relationship. We plan to establish a 3 year commitment with both Operator and Client. We plan to serve 100- 1500 participants in the first year, doubling each year including repeat clients. • How do we recruit our participants? by existing relationships we have and connecting with agencies who provide support services to pay for clients they serve. • How will services be tracked? and questionnaires will need to be completed each visit. Using an existing in-house tracking system or SalesForce. • Who delivers and maintains service records? We provide a signed record of clients and returning clients to each agency we work with on their referrals we also provided information on those who obtained employment over a 3 year period. • Success measures? By reviewing the trajectory of each student's success over 3 years, financial status, and housing. This is also used for clients to report to the refering agency.
Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?
Direct Impact: 50
Indirect Impact: 2,000