Learning Gap Recovery for LA’s Most Vulnerable Youth!
New Earth in partnership with DaVinci RISE High will provide individualized education support and wrap-around services to system and justice involved youth ages 13-25. Our program will help ensure students who are most at risk for learning loss have all the support and resources they need to advance their education and narrow the learning gap!
In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?
Central LA
East LA
San Fernando Valley
South LA
South Bay
County of Los Angeles
What is the problem that you are seeking to address?
New Earth serves system-impacted and justice-involved youth ages 13-25. The youth served by New Earth are almost exclusively low-income and high risk for entering or reentering the juvenile justice system. 58% have had past expulsions or suspensions, 62% have had past arrests, 41% have had past incarceration, and 38% are on probation at entry. Our High School Education Programming model is designed to meet the ongoing needs of students who want to recover credits, make additional progress towards graduation, or are interested in a specialized, individualized project-based learning model when their traditional schools have failed them or are unsafe to return to. The program is uniquely equipped to meet the specific needs of system-impacted youth. In addition to academic enrichment, each student is assigned a case manager who builds a case plan based on students' unique needs, providing social-emotional and mental health and wellness support.
Describe the project, program, or initiative that this grant will support to address the problem identified.
New Earth and Da Vinci RISE provide young people with the opportunity to earn a High School Diploma through a highly responsive, holistic, and integrated educational model that meets the unique needs of youth navigating foster care, housing instability, probation, and/or other circumstances that have caused disruptions in their academic journeys. Through a flex-scheduling, credit recovery model, students are given the voice and choice needed to accomplish their academic goals while honoring the additional responsibilities they have in their lives. By engaging students through a relationship-focused learning experience we help them overcome individual obstacles and systemic barriers. Given inequities in learning environment, safety, security and resources, New Earth RISE students are high risk for learning loss during pandemic related campus closures. The partnership between RISE and New Earth in this educational program works to continue learning and wraparound services, mental health support, vocational training, arts and enrichment programs, nutritional support, and other resources. Programs include our F.L.O.W. poetry and music program, which promotes literacy and enhances writing skills based on the California Language Arts Standards of education. Our job training program allows students to gain experience and skills while contributing to the community through our People’s Market no-cost food distribution program which was designed to address food insecurity.
In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?
Expand existing project, program, or initiative
Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?
Direct Impact: 125
Indirect Impact: 200
Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.
New Earth is leading the way in juvenile justice reform and mental health supportive wrap-around services for system-involved young people by providing comprehensive therapeutic and trauma-informed services. New Earth’s programs have a history of positive results in the overall well-being of students and social-emotional growth and development. 93% of clients do not recidivate and 83% have positive youth development outcomes. The success of this program will directly impact the metrics of lowering suspension and expulsion rates and in engaging opportunity youth in Los Angeles County; 82% of New Earth Rise students graduate High School or are currently enrolled. Short-term goals include mitigating educational inequities, particularly the effects of the pandemic; improving academic achievement; and providing holistic support for system-involved youth. Long term results include increased high school graduation rates, lower recidivism rates, and high rates of employment and job readiness.
What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?
Success of New Earth’s program is based on the following metrics: At least 95% of youth served will report that New Earth’s programs made a positive impact on their lives, evidenced by improved reading and writing skills and enhanced self-confidence and life skills. At least 99% of youth who participate in New Earth’s post-release programs will successfully transition back into the community, as evidenced by obtainment of a high school diploma or employment. At least 95% of youth served will remain free from re-incarceration. At least 85% of seniors will graduate with their High School Diploma. New Earth programs have produced the following results: 93% of members remain free from incarceration 100% of young people employed with New Earth are now stably housed 70% of young people are job-ready and placed in outside employment 82% have graduated high school or are currently enrolled 80% learned how to manage emotions We expect to maintain and exceed our current success rates.
Describe the role of collaborating organizations on this project.
New Earth currently partners with Da Vinci Rise High to provide a fully accredited high school diploma program during the school year for New Earth’s eligible members. System-impacted youth ages 13-25 are able to enroll in the RISE program co-located at the New Earth Arts & Leadership Center in Culver City and obtain their diploma while concurrently enrolled in New Earth’s onsite wrap-around services like case management, arts programs, therapy, vocational programs and weekly grocery delivery services.
Which of the LEARN metrics will you impact?
High school graduation rates
Suspension and expulsion rates
Opportunity youth (“Disengaged youth” 16-24 not working or in school)
Indicate any additional LA2050 goals your project will impact.
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