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2021 Grants Challenge

Girl Powerful Self-Care Summit Series

Girl Powerful's Self-Care Summit is a virtual year-long series led by influential female founders and fitness instructors with the mission to entertain, empower and teach tween and teen girls the importance of mental health. Girl Powerful co-founders and hosts, Sonya and Tedi Serge, incorporate social and emotional learning (SEL) into the event's curriculum to help girls build self-esteem and be proud of their strengths and capabilities followed by cooking, writing, movement and hygiene taught by expert guest mentors.


In which areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

Central LA

East LA

San Gabriel Valley

San Fernando Valley

South LA


South Bay

Antelope Valley

County of Los Angeles

City of Los Angeles

What is the problem that you are seeking to address?

During the pandemic, Gen Z was the labeled the generation trapped in their bedrooms. GP knows that female youth's mental health is an issue. First pandemic related studies reported that 7 out of 10 teens are struggling with their mental health in some way, with 43% of teens feeling depressed, over 50% having anxiety and 20% reported having suicidal thoughts. (Statistic Site: National 4-H Council) This isn't news to us, as we work with youth / foster youth every week and they use Girl Powerful as a safe space to talk about their emotions with GP counselors and their peers. We hear straight from their mouths that they feel lonely, isolated, suffocated and anxious about their futures. Youth are missing out on their social support systems and feeling of belonging, they are being unable to celebrate milestones, family life and abuse has been magnified and over 2 million youth went missing from school due to inequities in our communities.

Describe the project, program, or initiative that this grant will support to address the problem identified.

We are all living day-to-day right now and Girl Powerful teaches youth that they have the power to be in control of their mental health. Girl Powerful strongly believes that movement and self-care is the biggest mental health tool to manage stress, allow emotions to come and go and feel emotionally supported. Girl Powerful Summits empower tween and teen girls to take care of themselves by teaching Girl Powerful Journal self-reflective journal exercises and discussions, positive self-talk, movement, meditation, writing, cooking, etc. lessons, giving the girls tools to carry with them throughout their entire lives. Not only will girls learn how to take care of their bodies, but they will know how to take care of their minds, by learning SEL tools that help process emotions, build self-esteem, communicate with others, make healthy decisions and practice self-love. A Girl Powerful parent who received a scholarship in February 2021 said, “My daughter Alex really enjoyed the Girl Powerful Summit because they gave her a lot of tools to help her stay positive. They showed her how to self love, how to remind herself every morning that she’s enough, how to use “I am” statements and how fitness is not just good for your body but it keeps you grounded and centered. I appreciate what you do. It’s amazing. Thank you” - Evelin Rojas Girl Powerful also works with foster youth through DCFS and ChildHelp, giving ALL girls the opportunity to feel seen, valued and heard.

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 1,218

Indirect Impact: 3,600

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

LA County will be different by giving tween and teen girls access to Girl Powerful's virtual self-care summits because it will teach Gen Z that they have the power to change their mood, mindset and outcome by being in charge of their own health. Girls are able to safely register that it feels good to acknowledge their feelings instead of turning to drugs, alcohol, emotional eating or self-harm. Girl Powerful is also a resource for parents, educators and social workers. GP received this email from a parent and now her daughter is heavily involved and benefitting from the program. “My 16 year old daughter is currently going through depression and suffering from anxiety. Through all these years, she has struggled but now during the pandemic things have become more difficult. She lost interest in school and she was not able to pass all her classes. She doesn't motivation, cannot focus and feels overwhelmed. I honestly do not know how to help my daughter anymore.” Girl Powerful helped.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Girl Powerful measures the impact of the Girl Powerful Self-Care Summit by multiple factors. The impact of this project will go as follows: - Project Management: Keeping the project on track to ensure that as many tween and teen girls are in attendance to benefit from the series. This includes reaching out to schools, community centers, DCFS, ChildHelp, and community partners such as Athleta Girl and the Girl Scouts to raise awareness of events. - Participant Questionnaire: Each participant will fill out a post event questionnaire relating to their self-esteem and participation in Girl Powerful activities. - Quality: The end of a project phase is a good time for a quality review, tracking participant attendance, growth, testimonials from participants and parents. - Feedback: Collect reports from social workers and counselors who work directly with the foster youth who are in attendance. Girl Powerful also collects feedback from Girl Powerful mentors.

Which of the CONNECT metrics will you impact?​

Social and emotional support

Indicate any additional LA2050 goals your project will impact.

LA is the best place to LEARN

LA is the best place to PLAY

LA is the healthiest place to LIVE