2016 Grants Challenge

Telenovelas in the Park, a new way of learning!

Inspire • Motivate • Teach. Telenovelas for an environmentally conscious LA2050


Are any other organizations collaborating on this proposal?

- Sonia Sotomayor School of History and Dramatic Arts, - Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA), - Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, - Tierra Blanca Arts Center

Please describe your project proposal.

Telenovelas in the Park utilizes a fun and entertaining platform of the traditional Latino soap opera to educate, inform, and instill a high environmental ethic. Telenovelas in the Park catalyzes and inspires Angelenos to change their behaviors by emphasizing the importance of water conservation, of reducing plastics pollution, and other actions individuals can take to protect our environment and our city. The platform is flexible, which allows us to address multiple environmental issues.

Which of the LIVE metrics will your proposal impact?​


Exposure to air toxins


Local water

Resilient communities

In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

East LA

San Fernando Valley

South LA


Describe in greater detail how your proposal will make LA the best place to LIVE?

Telenovelas in the Park will make LA the best place to LIVE by activating a change in behavior that will make Angelenos environmentally conscious and will inspire them to protect and heal their city.

Telenovelas in the Park will achieve this by building upon the success of our pilot launch—an episode focused on the drought, water conservation, and plastic pollution—to provide education and information about environmental issues affecting all of us living in LA. Further, Telenovelas in the Park will show examples of positive habits individuals can adopt and develop to heal and protect La Madre Tierra.

By combining performing arts, educational programs about the environment, and funny, dramatic aspects from traditional Latino Soap Operas (Telenovelas) we will engage communities and educate them about the consequence their day to day habits have to the environment. We are utilizing an innovative and original communication vehicle to make the message stronger and have a positive impact on the future.

Mujeres de la Tierra wants to inspire, motivate and teach individuals to become more active within their community. We are firm believers in the power of one and know that by inspiring individual participation we will create more active community members to help build a strong network to change their neighborhoods and the future of LA.

The goals of Telenovelas in the Park are to:

•Provide environmental education such as information about the drought, water conservation and other ways of healing la Madre Tierra to members of the community through an entertaining and creative platform.

•Provide messaging point about the drought and how it is the new way of life for all Californians.

•Provide knowledge and awareness to the audience so they can incorporate appropriate environmental changes within their daily decision.

•Create in the public civic engagement in individual and collective action.

Please explain how you will define and measure success for your project.​

Telenovelas in the Park is a 35-minute presentation, followed by a 10-minute talk to discuss the main environmental issues addressed in the Telenovela.

To measure the success and impact of our Telenovela, we will provide surveys to all of the participants before and after each performance to compare their knowledge. At each performance, we will identify small focus groups (8-10 participants) and provide them with an evaluation toolkit where we will be able to measure their changes in their daily routines based on the information acquired at the presentation. We will follow up with each focus group thirty days after and quantify how their changes have impacted their lives and the people surrounding them.

We will also use an extensive social media campaign to share tips and information related to the Telenovela and to document success stories from the audience about how they have changed their habits and are making a difference through their daily actions.

How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed?



Network/relationship support