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2016 Grants Challenge


Job Corps LA will host FilmLit™ in facilitating the Barter Skills Curriculum, a program producing marketable, commercial filmlits from the professional efforts of the student body participants.

Are any other organizations collaborating on this proposal?

FilmLit™ and Job Corps Los Angeles are collaborating.

Please describe your project proposal.

Job Corps Los Angeles located in the heart of downtown has agreed to collaborate by yielding their pupils and facilities to host the expansion of the Filmlit Barter Skills Curriculum™. Our organization proposes to utilize the grant to guide the pupils of Job Corps LA through a 36-week course, training in the bartering of developed production skills to collaborate on filmlit projects. Pupils will own stock in the projects they bring forth to fruition.

Which of the LEARN metrics will your proposal impact?​

Proficiency in English and Language Arts and Math

Youth unemployment and underemployment

In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

City of Los Angeles

Describe in greater detail how your proposal will make LA the best place to LEARN?

The significance of this proposal is the associated methodology. The FilmLit™ technology is a utility patented design and brand conceived to convert scripted works with storyboard images into commercial, literary products. The proposal introduces the technology through an applicable training course that is also a patented methodology. The Barter Skills Curriculum method is designed to yield marketable, commercial filmlits in which the participants would own percentages of the intellectual property. Job Corps Los Angeles currently serves over 600 circumstantially challenged youth between the ages of 16-24. The Filmlit Barter Skills Curriculum™ groups the pupils into production units according to skills that will be bartered for the completion of a course project. Each pupil participates with the expectation of monetizing their collaborative work as the ultimate goal. A program such as this initiative seizes the opportunity to build a pioneer class of producers utilizing this paradigm shifting concept here in Los Angeles, unequivocally proving LA to be the best place to learn!

Please explain how you will define and measure success for your project.​

Job Corps LA will conduct the TABE® assessment on our pupils to determine increase in literacy comprehension and application. The enrollment/attendance/completion ratio will determine pupil acceptance of the program. Completion of marketable, commercial filmlits will determine course efficiency and impact. Residuals from prospective sales of commercial filmlits produced will help address youth unemployment, in addition to prospective employment with FilmLit™.

How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed?



Community outreach

Network/relationship support