2015 Grants Challenge

Vida en equilibrio:Aplicación móvil para el bienestar/Life in Balance: A Mobile Wellness Application

To design and implement a mobile chronic disease prevention experience. This app will present original, evidence-based content, and will also include live interaction with health educators and other participants throughout the duration of the experience. The experience will be available in English and also in Spanish.


In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

County of Los Angeles

How do you plan to use these resources to make change?

Conduct research

Implement a pilot or new project

How will your proposal improve the following LIVE metrics?​

Access to healthy food

Obesity rates

Please explain how you will evaluate your work.

The primary evaluation will be conducted with the pilot program prediabetes participants. They will take a survey prior to program commencement to test their knowledge of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. This survey will be redone at the end of the one-year period again to see if there are any improvements in their knowledge.

A lifestyle survey developed by the Minneapolis American Indian Center (Minneapolis American Indian Center, 2004) will be administered at three, six, nine and twelve month intervals to check on the participants’ progress with the mobile DPP program.

In addition to the self-reported data, A1C testing will be conducted at baseline and at the same intervals as when the surveys are administered and will be done by staff working at the DPP partners. The A1C testing will determine if the program participants are successfully able to use the mobile DPP platform to reduce their risk.

How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed

Money (financial capital)

Network/relationship support