2015 Grants Challenge


ONE LIFE LOS ANGELES WORKSHOP is an HANDS-ON program focusing on a FIVE-DAY FORMAT that educates students about the basics of FILMMAKING while giving them the opportunity to create MOVING IMAGES about relevant SOCIAL ISSUES and FILMING THIER LIFE IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY


In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?


How do you plan to use these resources to make change?

Engage residents and stakeholders

Expand a pilot or a program

Inspire our Youth to Change the World

How will your proposal improve the following CONNECT metrics?​

Voting rates by race

Attendance at cultural events

Participation in neighborhood councils

Government responsiveness to residents’ needs (Dream Metric)

Total number of local social media friends and connections (Dream Metric)

Attendance at public/open streets gatherings (Dream Metric)

Describe in greater detail how you will make LA the best place to CONNECT.

During the course of one year, we will produce 8 workshops sessions in all the corners of LA County. Each session will focus on the local community and it's future, it will be the vision of our youth.

The One Los Angeles project, will be feature on a unique website, showcasing all the PSA’s inviting the community to comment, and post their own views.

Social media, from Facebook, Instagram and more will be created to keep an on-going flow of communication within the community.

We will also have a special screening evening where we will screen all the PSA’ will become a special One Life Los Angeles event

The One Life Los Angeles project will teach students to create effective messages for visual media, focusing on building the skills to author narrative elements and produce high quality images. Students will be challenged to construct innovative messages that communicate their own perspective on the issue of living in Los Angeles and contribute their own ideas on ways to best utilize social media for mass communication to promote it.

We will have a total of 8 workshops in 8 corners of Los Angeles County. Each workshop has up to 20 students, divided into 5 groups of 4. These groups will each produce a 30 – 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) designed specifically for distribution online and eventually on local television. A total of 40 PSA’s will be developed by the conclusion of the workshops.

This innovative program is designed to empower youth to express and communicate the prevalence of living in their city and community while teaching them the skills using visual media/arts and increase their employability by providing job skills training.

The program objectives include:

• Teach students skills in narrative authorship, visual media, and film production.

• Teach students about the social issues and community life.

• Engage students by capturing their interest in visual media and utilizing their knowledge of social media channels.

• Inspire students to become community stewards and effective communicators on important issues.

• Demonstrate an example of utilizing social media in non-leisure pursuits

• Raise audience awareness about the issue by providing content for both television and online distribution.

• Raise awareness and involvement on the issue within the local community.

Please explain how you will evaluate your work.

The total number of youth to be served is 8x20= 160. The following outcomes will be documented:

1. Academic/Vocational:

Students are inspired to continue their education, learn about various job opportunities in the film industry and understand the requirements for entering film school. Pre/post-tests will be given to document increase knowledge of: filmmaking, job opportunities in the industry, education/vocation programs to prepare for careers in film industry, requirements for entering and completing the education/vocation programs

2. Raise awareness on Community life:

•Moving images created will travel and reach out to thousands of other young student as well as adults in the community.

•Heighten community awareness on living in their cities.

•Youth are empowered to change the statistics by becoming community activists.

• 40 PSA’s will be screened publicly with invited local officials, university partners, school teachers, administrators, parents and communitY.

How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed

Money (financial capital)

Volunteers/staff (human capital)

Publicity/awareness (social capital)

Community outreach

Network/relationship support