2015 Grants Challenge

Lifelong Mentoring for All

Idea by MentorMint

A customized LA 2050 branded mentoring portal facilitating mentoring for lifelong learning for everyone to learn from each other. Professionals can mentor students, and students can teach others on the latest technology trends and innovations. All facilitated through video chat and monitored by parents so everyone can learn and teach from the convenience and safety of home. The best mentors are those who understand your perspective and culture, we facilitate those matches and virtual coaching.


In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

Central LA

City of Los Angeles

Community Colleges, High Schools, USC

How do you plan to use these resources to make change?

Conduct research

Engage residents and stakeholders

Implement a pilot or new project

Expand a pilot or a program

Mobilize for systems change

Advocate with policymakers and leaders

Implement and track policy

Partnerships with Community Colleges and High Schools

How will your proposal improve the following LEARN metrics?​

Percentage of children enrolled in early education programs

Percent of community college students completing a certificate, degree, or transfer-related program in six years

Youth unemployment and underemployment

District-wide graduation rates

HS student proficiency in English & Language Arts and Math

Academic Performance Index* scores

College matriculation rates

Student education pipeline (an integrated network of pre-schools, K-12 institutions, and higher education systems that prepares students for seamless transitions between high school, higher ed

Suspension and expulsion rates (Dream Metric)

Truancy rates in elementary and middle schools (Dream Metric)

Describe in greater detail how you will make LA the best place to LEARN.

Create a structured process matching all students to receive mentoring from industry professionals and peers to help transition them from each step of their education.

MentorMint has existing partnerships with high schools, community colleges, and four year universities throughout California. LA2050 can help grow those partnerships to reach all students in LA.

Every student will have someone who has been in their shoes show them how to become successful at every step and hand-hold them across critical points in their education.

Students will also have access to mentors from all over the US if they choose.

Youth unemployment would decrease because they hear directly from employers what skills they need and how to secure an interview and prepare for it. Underemployment would decrease because students will understand what skills they need to build outside the classroom that makes them employable (demonstrating teamwork, leadership, technologies too new to be incorporated into the classroom).

Engaging parents in the mentoring and learning process through weekly updated reports, they can also participate in the same chat channel as the virtual mentoring sessions. We can reach parents through our partners and connect them to early education programs and if logistics is an issue we can facilitate that virtually through our platform.

Any languages that need to be taught can be done over the platform through tutoring from someone who has encountered the same challenges before them and overcome those challenges.

STEM education and tutoring is a priority among the written resources we provide. A forum where anyone can post any question and receive answers from others on the mentoring platform, a news feed that powered by analytics to show the most relevant questions for each student to the top of their news feed. For example, if overcoming language or tutoring issues is most important those questions and answers can rise to the top along with recommended mentors who have helped many people and received great reviews overcome those challenges. Students engaged in learning and understanding its value in building their future will reduce truancy rates, suspensions, etc.

Test scores can improve through video tutoring completed on the platform where fellow students who are great test takers can help teach to other children who don't have test preparation resources. Industry professionals who have done well on those tests can also participate.

Please explain how you will evaluate your work.

-Measure the number of high school students on the platform who enter postsecondary education compared to their peers who are not in the program.

-Compare the number of community college students who receive certificates or transfer to 4-year universities relative to their peers who are not in the program

-Measure the parental engagement in student learning and professional development from both the number signed up and the length of time they're engaged.

-The number of video mentoring sessions that take place, the number of questions that are posted and answered on the forum.

-Job placement rate of students after graduation compared to previous years

-Self-reported income of students/adults on the platform relative to their peers

-Number of students signed up

-The amount of participants, how engaged they are, how many students give back

-Student feedback on the program and platform

How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed

Money (financial capital)

Volunteers/staff (human capital)

Publicity/awareness (social capital)

Infrastructure (building/space/vehicles, etc.)


Technical infrastructure (computers, etc.)

Community outreach

Network/relationship support