High School CPR Training
During each academic year hands-only CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) will be taught in high school health classes throughout LAUSD. Each year 50,000 students will be prepared to save lives with CPR.
In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?
City of Los Angeles
How do you plan to use these resources to make change?
Engage residents and stakeholders
Implement a pilot or new project
Advocate with policymakers and leaders
How will your proposal improve the following LIVE metrics?
Healthcare access
Percentage of LA communities that are resilient (Dream Metric)
Please explain how you will evaluate your work.
One aspect of evaluations is based purely on numbers. How many students were trained? Tracking each student after they complete the course or after they graduate high school will be nearly impossible. Thus, we need to develop creative methods to stay in touch with trained students or we may never know whether or not they responded to a heart attach emergency and how many lives were saved. Arriving LAFD medical technicians and paramedics will know if a civilian administered CPR before their arrival. This can give us an indirect approximation of the benefit of the program. Moreover, through social media, we will develop reminders for this generation of connected youth to check in if they helped with a heart attack victim.
How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed
Money (financial capital)
Publicity/awareness (social capital)
Infrastructure (building/space/vehicles, etc.)
Community outreach
Network/relationship support