2015 Grants Challenge

Dome4aHome A revolutionary idea for low-income housing

We will construct two Monolithic Dome homes to showcase the extraordinary qualities of reinforced, open-span concrete construction. We will show how by providing skills training to the unemployed we can construct permanent, high quality, low-cost housing for the homeless.


In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

County of Los Angeles

City of Los Angeles

How do you plan to use these resources to make change?

Conduct research

Engage residents and stakeholders

Implement a pilot or new project

Expand a pilot or a program

Mobilize for systems change

Advocate with policymakers and leaders

Implement and track policy

Show how low cost housing can be high quality and desirable

How will your proposal improve the following LIVE metrics?​

Healthcare access

Exposure to air toxins

Number of households below the self-sufficiency index

Housing affordability

Rates of homelessness

Walk/bike/transit score

Acres and miles of polluted waterways

Rates of mental illness

Please explain how you will evaluate your work.

We will evaluate occupancy rates, energy usage and generally evaluate demand. We know from similar construction in different parts of the world and different States that demand is very high.

How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed

Money (financial capital)

Volunteers/staff (human capital)

Publicity/awareness (social capital)

Infrastructure (building/space/vehicles, etc.)

Technical infrastructure (computers, etc.)