Common Threads’ Healthy Cooking and Nutrition Education for Kids and Families
We are seeking $100,000 in support of our hands-on, in- and out-of-school healthy cooking and nutrition education for underserved kids, their families, and their teachers. Our programs bring healthy food to children in need, while also teaching them how to prepare nutritious, affordable meals and snacks on their own. During the 2015-2016 school year, we will partner with 15 Los Angeles schools to implement our proven programming, thereby reaching a total of 3,649 individuals.
In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?
County of Los Angeles
How do you plan to use these resources to make change?
Engage residents and stakeholders
Expand a pilot or a program
How will your proposal improve the following LIVE metrics?
Access to healthy food
Obesity rates
Please explain how you will evaluate your work.
We evaluate our programs through annual internal pre- and post-surveys of student and parent participants. In addition to measuring the impact of our programs on participants’ nutrition and cooking knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, these surveys also capture data on dose delivered and received, fidelity, and context. Due to the large numbers of students participating in our programming across the country, we randomly chose schools to participate in our school year 2015-16 survey to achieve a national sample of 750 Small Bite student participants and 750 chef-led program participants. Previous experience shows that this number is adequately powered to detect the effect of our programming. At the end of each school year, we analyze the survey data, matching pre- and post-surveys to determine net change.
Teachers also complete surveys after completing our Healthy Teacher Training and are able to provide feedback on and suggestions for the training.
How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed
Money (financial capital)
Volunteers/staff (human capital)
Publicity/awareness (social capital)