Abuse ≠Love: LA Youth Against Violence Initiative
The Consolidated Youth Project (CYP) was created to reduce the impact of violence on youth in South Los Angeles through the creation of a Coordinated Community Response Network (CCRN) that provides comprehensive prevention, intervention, and a training service model to address the needs of youth exposed to domestic violence, teen dating violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, gang violence and bullying.
In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?
South LA
County of Los Angeles
City of Los Angeles
Alain LeRoy Locke College Preparatory Academy and David Starr Jordan Educational Complex
How do you plan to use these resources to make change?
Engage residents and stakeholders
Expand a pilot or a program
Mobilize for systems change
Advocate with policymakers and leaders
Implement and track policy
How will your proposal improve the following LEARN metrics?
Youth unemployment and underemployment
District-wide graduation rates
HS student proficiency in English & Language Arts and Math
Academic Performance Index* scores
College matriculation rates
Suspension and expulsion rates (Dream Metric)
Truancy rates in elementary and middle schools (Dream Metric)
Students perceived sense of safety at and on the way to school (Dream Metric)
Describe in greater detail how you will make LA the best place to LEARN.
Jenesse Center will make LA the best place to learn through our targeted violence prevention model that has the potential to change the life trajectory of at-risk youth in Los Angeles County by: 1) Increasing students’ understanding of the dynamics and warning signs of abuse through culturally responsive workshops and trainings; 2) Increasing youth engagement in violence prevention programming; 3) Making it safer to access their school campuses; 4) Decreasing prevalence of teen dating and community violence among youth; 5) Improving community engagement and accountability; and 6) Creating a peer leadership training module that can be replicated in other schools and youth programs.
Please explain how you will evaluate your work.
Jenesse Center’s structured evaluation system consists of a paper-and-pencil pre-learning survey composed of a hybrid of standardized instruments that utilizes the original lines of questioning developed by CCRN to ascertain youths’ perceptions about violence, bullying, dating/partner violence, and violence in the home before participating in the violence prevention education workshops. To date, approximately 641 Los Angeles area youth have completed the survey. Following the workshops, Jenesse distributes a post-learning survey that captures youths’ perceptions of violence and measures their developing understanding of the material. This evaluation system provides accurate statistical evidence and data that our program is achieving desired outcomes in equipping youth with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to address violence in their everyday lives.
How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed
Money (financial capital)
Volunteers/staff (human capital)
Publicity/awareness (social capital)
Infrastructure (building/space/vehicles, etc.)
Technical infrastructure (computers, etc.)
Community outreach
Network/relationship support