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Five Tips for a Successful End-of-Year Fundraising Campaign
PostedThe season of giving is upon us, and we know that nonprofits are working hard to meet their 2020 fundraising goals. To help in this endeavor, we're sharing five tips for a successful end-of-year giving campaign that converts donors and raises dollars.
1. Don't underestimate the power of December.
Did you know that December is the most profitable month of fundraising for nonprofit organizations? An astounding 12 percent of donations are brought in during just the last three days of the year, so don't call off your fundraising efforts just yet!
2. Engage donors early and often.
Every point of contact with donors matters – not just the “ask" for a donation. Make sure you're reaching out to your supporters leading up to your end-of-year campaign, sharing successes, good news, and transformation stories, so that a donation request isn't the first time they've heard from you in months. And, once someone has donated, follow up with a “thank you" note within 48 hours!
3. Communicate the power of a dollar.
In your ask, provide your donors with a concrete, specific statement about what their contribution will accomplish that lets them know both your exact fundraising goal and the number of people those funds will positively impact.
4. Tell a great story.
In your ask, relay a compelling story of someone who was transformed through your organization. It could be a program participant, staff member, or volunteer whose life was changed for the better because of your work. If appropriate, include photos!
5. Put the focus on the donors.
In all of your communications, write in the second person as much as possible! Ensure that you are highlighting donors and the essential role they play in your organization's work by using the words “you" and “your" more than “we" and “our"!
Thank you so much to Jess Campbell, nonprofit fundraising expert and founder of Out in the Boons, for sharing these essential tips in our LA2050 grantee fundraising workshop.