LA2050 Blog
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Three Things to Do Before Submitting to the My LA2050 Grants Challenge
PostedThe deadline for applying to the My LA2050 Grants Challenge is fast approaching. Here are some top tips from our 2019 grantees on what you should do before you submit your proposal.
Have others check it over
Before Defy Ventures submitted its application, the team made sure they had at least three sets of eyes on their proposal. It can't hurt to have fresh perspectives double-check and triple-check your application for errors or ways to improve it!
Clarify your branding strategy
Establishing a social media presence can be a powerful way to engage both existing and new audiences. Miry's List advises that you have a social media strategy in place, especially if you are a community-based organization. If you aren't personally comfortable using Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, getting help from someone experienced with social media to build your brand can help in the long run.
Consider multiple ways to engage prospective donors
Through the process of applying to My LA2050, Rise learned that it could be useful to leverage this experience to unlock funding from other grantors. Once your proposal is ready, do a brainstorm to generate ideas for further engaging your community and prospective donors, such as organizing a campaign to match up to a percentage of the My LA2050 grant.