LA2050 Blog

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Thank You, Angelenos – Nominate a Community Hero


The Los Angeles wildfires have been a devastating force, but in the face of crisis, the resilience and courage of everyday heroes have shone through. From firefighters risking their lives to protect homes, to volunteers and neighbors offering help and support, many have stepped up in extraordinary ways. In this spirit, we’re launching a giveaway to honor those selfless individuals who went above and beyond during the fires.

There were teenagers who dropped everything to create recovery funds for their friends and neighbors; volunteers who dropped off clothes and spent hours collecting donations; people who opened their doors to those impacted by the fires; local businesses who provided food and essential items; and so, so many more examples.

Whether the gesture of support was large or small, now is your chance to nominate them and celebrate their heroism. These can be individuals who were on the frontlines or providing comfort from behind the scenes–we want to hear their story.

Join us in acknowledging these individuals and giving them the recognition they truly deserve by designating them as our community heroes. And, as a small gesture of our gratitude, we’ll be sending $100 gift cards from our Goldhirsh Foundation investment, Everytable, to ten randomly selected people mentioned in the comments.

To enter: Nominate a #ThankYouAngelenos hero by tagging someone on this Instagram post in the comments section and briefly explaining why this person is deserving. You can nominate as many people as you want (one comment per nomination).

Nominations will close on Thursday, February 6 at 3pm, so make sure to comment before then. We’ll randomly select 10 heroes after the drawing closes and post the results on Friday, February 7. Nominations will be accepted on the honor system (we’re trusting that you’re providing us with true information.) We do reserve the right to remove inappropriate or unkind comments from the drawing.

Thank you, Angelenos. We are inspired by everyone out there who has been a hero in our communities.

AuthorTeam LA2050
CollectionTeam LA2050