LA2050 Blog

We’ve got access to the information that every Angeleno needs to make an impact. Our blog features the latest LA2050 news, announcements, features, happenings, grantee updates, and more.

Resources in the fight for racial justice


The following resources are here to help Angelenos who are interested in learning more about anti-racism and taking action in support of the Black community. We've compiled these resources from our partners in Los Angeles, frontline advocacy organizations, and leaders in the fight for racial justice; we acknowledge that it is not an exhaustive list, but just a start.

If you know of other resources, please submit them through this form. Note: LA2050 is not coordinating the efforts on these lists. We are compiling and amplifying the resources sent to us.

Educate yourself:

Take action:

Know your rights and care for yourself:

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AuthorTeam LA2050