LA2050 Blog
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Eight winning ideas to #PartyatthePolls!
Three weeks ago, we asked Angelenos for event ideas to improve voter engagement and turnout in the upcoming primary election. Today, we are excited to announce that eight proposals will receive $3,500 apiece to pilot events between May 17th and June 7th.
These proposals represent a sample of the truly creative voter engagement ideas we received, ranging from using comedy to communicate about elections to conducting direct outreach to first-time voters and immigrants to encourage them to head to their polling locations. In all, these #PartyatthePolls events will spark conversation about civic engagement among thousands of members of our Los Angeles community.
We can't wait to report back on these events, so please stay tuned. You are also welcome to join the events where noted. Be sure to follow these and other great voter engagement activities all across Los Angeles using #PartyatthePolls. And, don't forget to vote! For information about voting in LA County, visit
- Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles will recruit 100 volunteers to participate in a day-long canvassing party on June 7th to educate the immigrant community in Pico-Union about the importance of their vote and to provide information about participating in the elections.
- Green Dot Public Schools will build excitement around the major milestone of voting for the first time for students at five of their 11 high schools. The GOTV effort, “Get on the Bus!" will build on the charter school network's registration of more than 1,000 students and will provide transportation and celebrations for 250 graduating students who will take their first act as adults by voting in a national election.
- Melrose Poetry Bureau (MPB) will take over the steps of the LA Central Library for a type-in where they will collaboratively write poems with Angelenos and interpret their feelings about voting, the elections, and civic pride into creative literary pieces. MPB will repeat these interactive events on the primary election day with typewriter poets on-hand to write and perform for voters waiting in line at four polling places throughout Los Angeles County. *
- As part of its election coverage and California Counts series about civic engagement in the state, Southern California Public Radio(KPCC 89.3) will host a #WhyIVoted primary party from 7am-8pm in communities traditionally underserved by public media and where voter turnout is low. The party will celebrate the decision of residents to participate in the election and encourage local residents to do the same. *
- Thank You For Coming, Frau Fiber, the Faux Fraus, and Cal State University Fashion students will help novice and experienced participants alike create their own handmade vote banners that will displayed at their homes and in their communities. Through monthly workshops of The Sewing Rebellion on May 28th and 31st, participants will receive training and materials to handcraft reusable, unique banners to help inspire continuous civic participation in their neighborhoods. *
- The Unique Space will host a block party on Election Night at their pop-up marketplace in the Arts District celebrating those who voted. Admission to the party will be your “I Voted" sticker. *
- The United Way of Greater Los Angeles will organize a “March to the Polls" for LAUSD students participating in their L.A. Youth Vote campaign, a yearlong effort to position local high schools as centers of youth engagement and advocacy. The march will culminate in an event that celebrates students for engaging in the democratic process.
- Venice Arts will serve as a polling place for the primary election and set up a photobooth at their gallery to engage voters in the VeniceVotes Photo Project. Voters will help create a gallery and visual story about why voicing their opinion and participating in the election is important. Follow #VeniceVotes to check out the photos. *
* indicates a public event. Feel free to join!