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13 Novice to Gnarly Skateparks in Los Angeles
PostedLos Angeles is arguably the birthplace of modern skateboarding. (Think Dogtown, Z-Boys, backyard pools, and so much more.) Given that heritage, and with school out and days long, we’ve compiled here a list of some of the region’s numerous free-of-charge public parks for you to sk8 over to this summer!

1. Venice Beach Skatepark has a great community of skaters from all age groups; this is one of the few spots where you can skate through the beach breeze as the sun sets.
2. Westchester Skatepark is known for it’s drop-down manual pad; check it out if you’re looking for a challenge!
3. Valley Skatepark skaters urge newbees to bring pads and, according to reviewers on FourSquare, to "Go hard because you won't want to go home!"
4. Charmette Bonpua Skate Plaza has no quarter pipes, but there is no shortage of ledges and rails. Check it out if curb-sized steps are your jam.
5. Jackie Tatum Skate Plaza is 10,000 square-feet of fun! Within view of the two-tanked public pool, you have somewhere to cool off after a great skate session.
6. Rowley Skatepark is known for its unique half moon bank and diving board-shaped platform. If trying new apparatuses is your thing, enjoy!
7. Harbor City Skatepark hosts Art and Skate Jams for skaters of all levels. If community is what you're looking for, Harbor is the place to be!
8. Peck Skatepark has a unique double hull format; plenty of room for your whole skate group to enjoy the park!
9. Nickerson Gardens Skatepark is equipped with a nessy, grind box, and a wedge ramp; a great place to BMX or scooter as well if that's your thing!
10. El Sereno Skatepark is known for having "a little bit of everything;” head on over if euro gaps, hubbas, handrails, and mini-ramp quarter pipes are for you.
11. Bell Gardens Skatepark has all the staples: the kidney bowl, quarters, fun box, and ledges. Check it out!
12. Village Skatepark requires pads, but if you're up for the challenge, the pyramid and volcano are ready for you!
13. Michael K. Green Skatepark is big to Long Beach since skate culture is so important to the community. With the Action Sports Kids Foundation there to empower LB youth, this Skatepark is one to check out if community is important to you.
We hope you get to check out some of the awesome Skateparks highlighted this summer!