LA2050 Grants Challenge applications are open now through June 28th, 2024.

People Organized for Westside Renewal

Our purpose is to improve quality of life for low and moderate income people through community development and leadership training to allow parents, tenants and workers to revitalize their community by increasing affordable housing, improving education, creating jobs and childcare, addressing immigrant rights, and improving government benefits.


1 Submitted Idea

  • LIVE ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Housing insecure people creating housing policy

    POWER will train and develop community leaders who are currently unhoused, have recently experienced homelessness, or are currently facing displacement. We will evaluate local initiatives to address the housing and homelessness crisis and win a seat at the table so local government agencies can benefit from the direct, lived experience of people who have faced housing insecurity. Together, we will design programs that draw on real peoples' lived experience to make our housing policies as effective and impactful as possible to house LA together.
