2016 Grants Challenge

I Am LA: One minute can change the world

Let your voice be heard-- with I Am LA the whole city is ready to listen.


Please describe your project proposal.

We can do better together. I Am LA is a city-wide campaign to care for the place we call home. And we want your help. We are offering $1,000 prizes for 1-minute films that inspire us to care for our neighbors and our environment.

Which of the CONNECT metrics will your proposal impact?​

Social & emotional support

Cultural events

Public transit riders

Participation in neighborhood councils

Rates of volunteerism

Residential segregation

Total number of local social media friends and connections Angelenos have

Voting rates

In what areas of Los Angeles will you be directly working?

City of Los Angeles

Describe in greater detail how your proposal will make LA the best place to CONNECT?

LA is not made of land, buildings, or streets. LA is made of people. It's time to bring them together.

I Am LA is a platform that combines art, media, justice, and social networks allowing people to reach out and connect. We believe that it's not enough to say it ourselves. We want the people to use their creative voices to join us.

That's why we will be sponsoring the 1-Minute Film Contest, giving $1,000 prizes to original films that inspire people in LA to come together.

We want films of all types: drama and comedy, personal stories, animation, documentaries and fiction. Just as long as they that inspire us to care about our community, and are one minute or less.

We need to see bravery. We need to see kindness. When someone stands up for a neighbor who is different from themselves, we need to celebrate that courage.

We want to live in a city where kids grow up feeling safe. We want to live in a city that is clean and healthy. We want to live in a city where people look out for each other, no matter the color of their skin or what language they speak.

We will focus our sights on the issues most pertinent to LA residents:

- A healthy living environment

- Ending discrimination

- Police we can trust

- Combatting abuse and sexual violence

- Safety on our streets

- Communities that look after each other

We believe that by sharing our stories we can foster a safer, healthier, kinder city.

Add your voice.

Join the movement.

Vote for I Am LA.

Please explain how you will define and measure success for your project.​

Success for us is about who we engage, motivate, and inspire.

The number of people we engage will be measured by how many page views we have on our project website, our movies, the number of attendees at our events, and the projected numbers for how many see our physical ads. Our goal will be to engage 500,000 to 1,000,000 Los Angeles residents.

The number of people we motivate will be measured by the number of contest entries we receive. Our goal is to have between 100 and 500 entries.

The number of people we inspire will be measured by how many people vote on entries. Our goal is to have 5,000 to 40,000 votes.

I Am LA's strategy is to keep running totals of all three of these numbers throughout the process. If any of these numbers is falling short of our goals, we will adapt and find a solution.

How can the LA2050 community and other stakeholders help your proposal succeed?



Technical infrastructure (computers etc.)

Community outreach

Network/relationship support

Quality improvement research